Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tuki Alarm Clock

For the last four days, my little buddy has crawled up on the bed and woken me up at 5 AM with a soft little high-pitched meow. Then he walks across the pillows behind my head and takes up his position next to me, purring like crazy. I lay there and pet him, rub his little head, and kiss his soft fur. He will stay there smothered and covered in love until I fall back asleep or stop snugling him. It's a great way to start the day. Even if you are hung over like I am this morning. For not having drunk any liquor in years, and having drunk half a fifth of vodka last night, I'm really not that bad off. Got my cure going this morning: Water, Ibuprofen, Water, Emergen-C, Water, Coffee, Water....did I mention Water? Shoulda drank more agua last night, but I passed out sitting upright on the couch. I had to look at my drunken post just to figure out the time frame of  losing consciousness. I'm guessing 11 PM. Yeah, I don't stay up late anyways, plus I got out of bed at 6AM yesterday. Woke up at 1AM on the couch with all the lights and the radio on. I think I heard the DJ say Blues before Sunrise in my sleep and woke up figuring I better go to bed.

The buzz was great tho, forgot how fun it can be on the upswing. At some point I got pissed off no one wanted to go out or come over or answer their phone or answer their door. I like the excuses tho. Lets me know they don't despise me so much to cut me off completely, just temporarily. Excuses are like butt-holes: everybody's got one, and they usually stink!

Back to Tuki. I guess he's as close as I'll get to having a child of my own at this point in my life, except he'll stay a kid forever, not really ever growing up and going off on his own. Maybe this is best for me and other folks who have abandonment issues. You know they won't ever leave you.

OK, OK, Poof is getting jealous (he's adopted) I found him on my ex-girlfriend's front porch two winters ago. He hung out there for a whole weekend and one night it was gonna be like 16 degrees F, so I went out there, started up my girls car, turned on the heat and sat in there with him for 15-20 minutes before I figured, what the hell, I'll just take him home to my house and let him stay warm. Been here ever since. He's a hoot too. Needs lots of head rubbins, but only on his terms, in his own time. These guys are the best thing in my life, which I would like to consider as really positive. However, without any Human relationships that come even close to this, I must figure there's something wrong with ME.

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