Thursday, February 9, 2012

These pics are from the Barber Vintage Festival in AL form 2010. First three show the cool injuns that are the personal bikes of the Wall of Death riders. Last one is self explainatory. My camera sucked back then, way to slow to even snap the pic when I wanted to. My hats off to these guys, they put on a hell of a show. Real nice guys too, talked to em for a while afterwards. They are the closest thing to a real "carny" living today. Set up the ring, do the show, pack it up an move to the next town. If I had been single at the time, I probably would have joined em and r-u-n-n-o-f-t!

If you have never seen this live, you owe it to yourself. The wall oscillates with the bikes going round and round. You'd think it was about to fall apart at any moment. A real rush, even for just the spectators.

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