Friday, June 14, 2013


I haven't posted anything in over a year but I just had the most traffic ever! I don't know why, but here's the update:

Almost done with the panhead. Enough roadblocks and procrastination has put me out of reach for born free. Even if it was done tomorrow I'd never ride it there or even from Norcal because it is a fresh motor and needs broken in, not just BROKEN.

Here's the rant.

I've been wanting to leave this area for over a year now, for various reasons. I have been fucked out of my house by the mortgage company. Last year I asked if I could refinance. They said NO. Then I told them I was having trouble coming up with nearly $900 a month since I hadn't had a job in three years. I was hustling, doing anything I could (short of prostituting myself) to come up with cash. I sold everything I had that was valuable except my last bike and pistol. Anyway, they tricked me into signing an agreement that stated I would not have to make a house payment for 4 months, after which I would have the same payment with another $250 tacked on every month for two more years. Yeah, I know, Not much relief, plus why did I even sign the agreement? Well I was desperate, they had given me the runaround for over 6 months, and I listened to someone I shouldn't have.  So after the four months was up, I payed it all back in one lump sum, but the damage was done. Even though KY Housing Corp allowed me to not pay for 4 months (their idea, not mine!) They also reported me to the credit bureaus as 150 days late on my house payment. Now, NOONE!!!!! will refinance me for at least two years of on time payments. And guess what, I still can't afford it. As anyone else who bought a house in 2007 knows, You can't even sell your house for the payoff now. I've been trying to sell it by owner for 6 months, can't even get an offer over payoff. And if I go with a realtor  AKA: leach, then I have to sell it for 5-6% more than that!!!! Fucked. So, I'm not making any more payments so they can come and have it. 6 years of homeownership, payments, maintenance on the house, over $65,000 total flushed down the drain. All my guns and bikes and cars are gone. Probabaly 15,000 worth of savings and investments gone. No 401K.  No IRA.

What I do have:
1 Panhead chopper.
1 Ford Diesel truck.
2 Beautiful Boys (my cats)
All my tools and welders plus a few swap meet parts I hope to sell off in the future minus one Handy lift I sold at a $400 loss.

I'm painting the bike and assembling it after which I am packing up and moving to California within the month.  Got friends out there say the weather is great. Can't wait. Not much else to look forward to.

Hope everybody else is doing well, I'm not. No matter what they say, I don't see any signs of economic improvement around here. As a matter of fact, I see just the opposite. Minimum wages, even for skilled jobs. Temporary assignments, Part time employment with an irregular schedule, No health care, No Hope.

Good luck to everybody, I'm just wishing for a total economic collapse so we can all be in the same boat instead of having out heads held underwater by those clamoring to stay on top.
